9 Team Round Robin League Structure and Rules
- 8 Week League
- 1.5 hours will be allotted for each weeks play.
- You will play one team per week
- Match will be best of 7 games to 11 straight (teams switch sides after each game)
- You will have one week - to get your game in (Sunday-Saturday)
- You will schedule your own match with the team you are playing that week
- The club will make courts available at your time (certain times are blocked)
- You will be able to schedule 8 weeks out with the club
- Scores for each game should be recorded with the club
- Each week scores will be updated based on overall points per game (PPG) (Each game will have max 11 possible points)
- The league will run for 8 weeks and each team will play all teams
- Entrance Fee will be $140/per player